
One of the most important thing for me is perspective – how I can use it to create a feeling and project an emotion. So, my first tip to anyone would be to find a camera with a tilt screen, this way you will be able to create or see in different angles and perspectives, you can use the tilt screen without any restriction. This gives you greater flexibility with your shot that you would otherwise have to compensate with, using a view finder.


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Alternatively, some shots are better suited for a viewfinder. If using an electronic view finder, it is possible to set the preview to black and white which will help you to understand and control the lighting of the scene without actually having to take the picture using the black and white effect. This will allow you to see where the light and shadows fall within the shot so that you are able to change the angle until you find the shot you want.

Use Different Lenses

Wide lenses, in particular prime 35mm and 55mm lenses, are great for capturing an entire scene without losing the sharpness of the photo. This lens allows you to capture more detail in the photo giving greater depth to the scene and the environment surrounding it. As you can see I have used a wide lens here in order to capture the intricacy of the architectural structure as well as portraying a sense of depth to the image. However if you want to distort an image by focusing into a particular area or detail of a scene then zoom lenses allow you play with this effect


[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”antonio surricchio” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”]

Post Processing

If you want to take your photography further than Facebook and Instagram then you want to be shooting raw. This will allow you to retain all the information associated to that photo which will be essential when processing the image.

Do not under-estimate the importance of any photo editing software. I personally use Lightroom because it allows me to unlock the full potential of my raw images. Using the raw photos with Lightroom can bring out the dynamic elements of images which would otherwise be lacking with jpegs. Experimenting with different contrasts, saturation, exposures can produce some amazing and striking effects. But do not apply the same process to every image as 1 effect may not always work with every image. Instead play with the tools.

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”antonio surricchio” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”]

So here are some examples of me putting into practice what I have spoken about. The first image is of the Duomo in Milan. My aim here was to capture this colossal building versus the people and other buildings. In this way I wanted to emphasize the stillness on the structure compared to the movement of the people below. In turn this again plays on the size and greatness of the building as it imposes on the overall surroundings of the city. In addition I think there is a lot of depth in this picture. As you look into the image to the yellow building in the distance there is an impression that the image continues and in fact circles to the left, this highlights the fact that the Duomo is at the center on the city even if the image only depicts this outer wall. In addition I also wanted to show the complexity and intricacy of the building’s architecture.

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”antonio surricchio” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”]

To further emphasize this, I used Lightroom, this allowed me to play around with the shadows, highlights, blacks and saturation as well as lifting the exposure of the image to give more light to the scene. After I found the composition I was looking for I used the ‘tone curve’ tool in order to substitute the blacks for extremely dark greys. Once I was happy with the overall edit I used noise reduction and sharpening tools to make the image even more crisp. Finally I added a very slight dark vignette to direct the viewer’s attention to the middle of the image.


Based on this, my biggest tip would be to experiment, experiment, experiment! With the scene, with the lighting, using different lenses to create different effects as well as different modes on the camera. Shoot a lot, don’t aim to get the perfect shot first time, finding your style and your expression takes time, so the more you practice you will soon find your rhythm. This leads on to say one final but equally important thing, that it is important to understand that each photographer will have their own opinions on what is best way to produce great photography. These are mine, and I hope they will be of use it you!


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Antonio Surricchio

Hey guys, I am Antonio. I have always been into art so I guess I can say that my interest in photography started from here. When I first started taking photos it was because I would then use them for my drawings. Soon I started to really enjoy taking pictures, capturing the moment. I am fairly new to photography so I hope these tips will be useful to any new starters like myself.


You can find more of my work on my social media here:



Posted by Antonio Surricchio

Hey guys, I am Antonio. I have always been into art so I guess I can say that my interest in photography started from here. When I first started taking photos it was because I would then use them for my drawings. Soon I started to really enjoy taking pictures, capturing the moment. I am fairly new to photography so I hope these tips will be useful to any new starters like myself.

One Comment


    I really like the first image. Awesome tips, I’d love to try this soon!


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