As always, even food photography evolves itself moving with the times, from the completely static representation where the magnification of perfection is a requirement, to the subject forced in action through movement.

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Today, thanks to sophisticated photo editing software, it’s more simple to reach the best results. Recently,  I amazed myself trying various shots releasing my creative energy. I’m not telling you that there is a unique, inviolable and holy rule suitable for create this kind of photos, but I have some suggestion, methods and useful techniques to improve your results.

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Often, I use small toothpicks or clips to obtain levitation effect depending on subject, knowing that I will remove those supports later with the editing software. I previously establish the aspect the image will have even if, often, I realize during the process that I need some changes that will give a completely different look to my work. I shot more and more photos of the same image for join them together in post production, carefully selecting the best parts that will make up my photo.

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”Fabio Bascetta” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”]

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”” alt=”Fabio Bascetta” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”]

A well done job during production make simple, by far, the post production. So, try to figure out where to place items in order to easier remove them later with minimum effort. I recommend to use a tethering software to make easier work during the process and to immediately preview each image in order to get a clearer idea of your work.

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Born in Bologna (Italy) and had been passionate about photography for over 9 years. After studying analogue photography, he learn by himself digital photography with the use of photo editing. Appreciates and prefers food photography but does not disdain any other photographic genre. He has made several photographs, some of which, are visible in this gallery. He has made several photographic services in partnership with a few restaurants. He also worked as a photographer of architecture for an international company. Each photograph on this site has been composed, lit, photographed and post produced by himself.


Posted by Fabio Bascetta

Born in Bologna (Italy), from over 9 years had a passion for photography. After studying analogue photography, learn by himself the digital photography with the use of photo editing. Appreciates and prefers food photography but does not disdain any other photographic genre. He has made several photographs, some of which, are visible in this gallery. He has made several photographic services in partnership with a few restaurants. He also worked as a photographer of architecture for an international company. Each photograph on this site has been composed, lit, photographed and post produced by himself. Site: Facebook: Instagram: 500px:

One Comment


    Thank you for this simple yet impressive tip Fabio! I have some ideas in mind already


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